
Thursday, November 17, 2016

Feelin' Myself

Pop culture reference aside, feeling like myself is something I have struggled with a lot in college. I'll get so wrapped up in school, sorority, research, work, and other obligations that I lose my self in everything that I "have to do" and am left feeling burned out and just blah. Lately, I've been trying to recognize when I get in these funks and work my way out of them. Today, I'm sharing what I do to get back to feeling like me.

// recognize when I feel most myself //

This sounds a little odd, but occassionally I'll be doing something and just feel completely myself, at ease and comfortable. When I have those feelings, I make a mental note of them so I can use them the next time I'm down in the dumps. Once you have the mindset that you need to recognize when you feel like yourself, it'll be a lot easier to notice those moments. Maybe you can just take a few quiet minutes to think "when I am the most happy? what makes me, me?"

// put effort into my appearance //

One of the moments I have recognized is when I am doing my makeup and getting ready for the day. The weeks where I don't bother to put on real  clothes or do makeup tend to be the ones I am the most out of it. This sort of follows the same principle of dress well, test well (I type as I'm going to class in leggings and a very oversized quarter zip) when you look put together it puts you in that mind set for the day. I frequently find myself realizing "well life feels like it's falling apart but at least I look cute today." It's the little things.

// pamper myself //

Taking some time to do something you don't do on a regular basis can also make a big difference. Painting your nails, taking a long bubble bath (if you're lucky enough to have a bathtub #collegeproblems), doing a face mask, maybe all of the above. Taking the time to treat yo self,  even just on a weekly basis, helps you to relax and feel so much better.

// long chats with good friends //

One of my good friends and I have made a habit of having a Starbucks date at least once a week. We'll grab a cup of coffee and just talk for about an hour. With crazy schedules, it's so nice to take time to slow down and enjoy each other's company. We catch each other up on life and what we're stressed about then somehow end up in a deep life chat. It's something I wish I could do more often, with more of my friends.

// quality time with loved ones //

This falls in the same realm as the one above. So often my boyfriend and I spend our limited time together (crazy schedules again) studying and doing homework or watching Netflix. Friday nights have become our date nights - he'll get back from his internship, pick me up, and we'll go out to dinner or to a movie, something just us so we can actually focus on us and our relationship and not worry about to do lists, obligations, and everything else.

// slow down and take it all in //

Do you walk to class with your eyes glued to your phone, scrolling through every form of social media? I do. Occasionally though, something will pull me out from the laser focus on my  phone, and I'm always glad when that happens. Last week, I was hauling my way across campus for my 10am class, staring at my phone as usual, when I looked up and noticed leaves falling from the trees all around me, like a a beautiful dance. The sunlight cracked through the trees and lit up the leaves in perfect, golden light. It was a gorgeous sight that I would have totally missed if I had stayed focused on myself. It's easy to be self-absorbed, but I find that taking the time to notice what is going on around me helps me calm down and get perspective.

Those are the things I do to get myself out of a funk and back to myself, I would love to hear what you do to get back to feeling like yourself.